Design Corps Directory

The Design Corps Directory highlights all under represented - scientist, technologists, engineers, artists, mathmeticians and designers - in order to build Earth's largest pipeline of future inventors, designers, engineers and audacious changemakers across all industries.

As an inclusive practice we:

Inspire the


Aim to inspire the dreams of a new generation of public service design leaders, civic media makers and technologists.

Build superhuman


We endevor to make S.T.E.A.M.D. skills training accesible, affordable and universal to all humans.



We clear, carve, document and share discrete paths to success through radical collaboration and open source innovation.



Equally, advocate, back, underwrite growth with monetary and social sponsorship into positions of power to effect change we want to see.



Appealing to the value of human life on earth and in the universe, inspire people to enlist, volunteer, donate and act with high judgement, scientific objectivity and creative ingenuity.

Sponsor the design corp

The Design Corps is a social benefit business. If you’re interested in sponsoring progress, post a job or make a donation.

Make a donation

A World That Works Equally For 100% of Humanity

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is our business model. We want to thank LatinxWhoDesign, BlacksWhoDesign and WomenWho Design teams for the inspiration to start this project and providing a template to help the design community from all backgrounds. If you’ve found this directory valuable, consider making a donation or taking a look at similar efforts: